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Basically Hugs #25044 Grey Heart Stripe Fabric by Helen Stubbings


Red Rooster – Basically Hugs  #25044  Grey Heart Stripe Fabric – by Helen Stubbing’s

(Available in Fat Quarter’s, Half Metre’s & Metre’s – larger quantities will be sent out in one piece),

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Basically Hugs #25044 Grey Heart Stripe Fabric by Helen Stubbings

Red Rooster – Basically Hugs #25044 Grey Heart Stripe Fabric by Helen Stubbings is an ideal blender. With it’s small print design, it makes a great blending or contrasting fabric.

Fabric is sold in long 1/4’s and will be cut in one whole piece


so order quantity 1 = 1/4 m,

2 = 1/2 m

3 = 3/4 m.  And 4 = 1 m.

For Sharing!

Additional information


Fat Quarter, Half Metre, Metre

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