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Fireside Pups by Robert Giordano for Henry Glass Christmas Quilt Kit/Sample


Fireside Pups by Robert Giordano for Henry Glass Quilt Kit/ Sample

Fireside Pups by Robert Giordano for Henry Glass Quilt Kit is a lovely quick and easy quilt kit which includes the Fireside Pups Panel and co-ordinating fabrics.  This is a fun quick and easy quilt kit for Christmas and includes Backing but no Wadding.

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Fireside Pups by Robert Giordano for Henry Glass Quilt Kit/Sample

Fireside Pups by Robert Giordano for Henry Glass Quilt Kit is a lovely quick and easy quilt kit which includes the Fireside Pups Panel and co-ordinating fabrics.  This is a fun, quick and easy Christmas quilt kit and includes Backing but no Wadding.

Approx finished size: 49″ x 66″


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Additional information

Fireside pups

Quilt Kit, Panel, Pattern, sample

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